
Author Archive | Thermalon

Thermalon sleep aid
Thermalon sleep aid

Restorative Sleep and Pain Management

How to overcome chronic pain and get a good night’s rest We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep and the frustration of being kept awake by nagging thoughts, or worse, nagging pain. One study showed the majority of Americans have some problem with their sleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, pain is […]
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Thermalon Stye and pinkeye relief
Thermalon Stye and pinkeye relief

Cold and Warm Eye Compress for Pinkeye

Pinkeye is a very common and easily transferrable mild irritation of the eye. More than 3 million cases are reported in the US each year alone. Although all ages are susceptible, children between the ages of 3 and 15 are at the highest risk for contracting pinkeye. Most cases of pinkeye are caused by viral […]
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Thermalon headache relief
Thermalon headache relief

Warm Compress for Headaches

Soothe Headaches and Migraines with this reusable Warm Compress There’s nothing like a splitting headache or migraine to completely stop your day in it’s tracks. Headaches can range from a mild painful sensation to full blown migraines with nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity. In fact, there are more than 150 different types of headaches including; […]
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