How Moist Heat Therapy Can Help Reduce Your Chances of Injury
Moist Heat Therapy Can Help Reduce Your Chances of Injury
This section is for all those weekend warriors, armchair athletes, and post-COVID recovering couch potatoes. Many of us are now returning to the gym, group exercise classes, or even triathlons and marathons that COVID cancelled. After our collective exercise hiatus, we all are at risk for injuring ourselves as we try to resume our prior level of fitness activity.
One of the main ways you can reduce your risk for exercise-related injuries is to stretch. You are more likely to injure yourself if your muscles are tight or stiff. To stay flexible you should stretch at least two-three times a week. But you are more likely to hurt yourself if you try to stretch cold muscles. That is where pre-heating with a Thermalon heat wrap can help. The moist heat brings blood flow to tight muscles, ligaments, and tendons. By adding a little pre-stretch heat therapy to your routine, you will be able to stretch further with less pain, increasing your range of motion, flexibility, and chances of staying injury-free.
Pain relief tip
One of the main ways you can reduce your risk for exercise-related injuries is to stretch. You are more likely to injure yourself if your muscles are tight or stiff. To stay flexible you should stretch at least two-three times a week.
Moist Heat Wraps Can Help Speed Your Recovery
People don’t stop for pain. Most of us push through pain and overdo it, which is another one of the most common causes of sports-related injuries. With moist heat, you don’t have to let pain stop you if you get injured or overdo it.
Using a moist heat wrap to relieve pain and muscle stiffness that you might feel a day or two after over-exerting yourself is an easy way to recover. Thermalon’s moist heat wraps are portable, microwavable, and do not need a wall outlet or cord. We know that we can injure and hurt many different parts of our body. That is why versatile Thermalon heat wraps are a smart investment. With their adjustable strap, they can be fitted to legs, arms, ankles, calves, hands and feet to help heal muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
While cold therapy and ice are best immediately after an injury, moist heat therapy is great to help sore muscles recover several days later and before your return to exercise. By bringing oxygen to injured areas, the heat helps heal damaged tissues, remove toxins, and reduce long-term soreness. Heat therapy reduces the likelihood of an acute injury developing into chronic pain by allowing you to regain flexibility and range of motion more quickly.
Tackle Your Chronic Pain With A Moist Heat Wrap
The specialized Thermalon Moist Heat Neck Wrap and Back wraps work directly at the two most common sites of chronic pain. Back pain in general affects 80% of all adults at some point in their lives.
Another benefit of the microwaveable Thermalon neck and back wraps is that they can be used multiple times an unlimited number of times throughout the day (and night). Unlike pain medications that may have dosing intervals, you can relax with your Thermalon heat wrap as often as you want to. The soft cover, adjustable straps, and body-fitting design make it comfortable enough for you to fall asleep while wearing it. Because the heating pad delivers therapeutic heat for up to 20 minutes, the recommended amount of time to relieve pain, prior to cooling down, the Thermalon heat wraps are safer than electric heating pads. If you are one of the many people with chronic pain also suffer from sleep disorders, making moist heat therapy a part of your pain control plan may help both your pain and improve your sleep.
Use Moist Heat Therapy to Proactively Take Control of Pain
Using moist heat therapy with the therapeutic Thermalon heat wrap is one way to take control of your pain. You can reduce your chances of pain-causing injuries, speed your recovery, treat your pain with heat therapy, and help improve the quality of your life with chronic pain. Acute or chronic pain and injuries don’t have to stop you from enjoying your life–With this natural, easy, drug-free pain-relief strategy, you can proactively take steps towards a healthier, more comfortable life.
Ready to get started? Prepare with these chronic pain relieving wraps by ordering yours today.
Thermalon Moist Heat Back Wrap
Specially designed to allow freedom of movement during treatment. Also worn to relieve hip pain or abdominal cramps, the versatile wrap allows for easy application of moist heat therapy.