Five Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Aches and Pains Without Medication

in Chronic Pain Relief

Aches and pains are common in pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer for nine months. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural ways to keep feeling good throughout your entire pregnancy. Here are five ways you can manage pregnancy aches and pains without medication so you can have the healthiest and most comfortable […]

How Moist Heat Therapy Can Help Reduce Your Chances of Injury

in Chronic Pain Relief

Moist Heat Therapy Can Help Reduce Your Chances of Injury This section is for all those weekend warriors, armchair athletes, and post-COVID recovering couch potatoes. Many of us are now returning to the gym, group exercise classes, or even triathlons and marathons that COVID cancelled. After our collective exercise hiatus, we all are at risk […]